So sometimes I get bored. Correction, most of the time I get bored. But some of those times I start to think about what it is like to be friends with me and my many sides.
I thought that would make a great series. Me. Dealing with myself, and my many different interests.
I am very excited about this. I already have a few in mind. I will be getting Alyssa's help to help give examples of things I say and ways I act.
I will be making lists and talking about the quirky things that I do. For example, her are just some things that happen when being friends with me:
- I really like to correct peoples grammar. I do it enough, that even I call myself a grammar Nazi. Which is probably something I should not do sense my lineage is actually German on one side.... But not only do I correct other people's grammar, but I correct my own. Mid sentence, during a texting conversation, receiving papers back from teachers. You name it, I will correct it. And on that note, I hate when other people correct my grammar. Yes, that is very hypocritical. I also hate hypocrites. The irony.
- I refuse to get my finger prints done just in case one day I commit a crime and get away with it. I have no plans of being a criminal, but I am very paranoid. To the point, if I ever need to steal something valuable to save someone I love, I will not allow my finger prints in the system. Now that I am 18 volunteering is difficult.
- I have lost my phone in the fridge. I went to get food, and set it down so I could use both hands. Then the fridge closed and I prepared the food, completely forgetting about the phone. About an hour later I heard vibrating coming from the fridge and was very confused.
I hope you all like this idea.