Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Quick Note About Me

Salutations! I am trying my best to write this post so that it doesn't sound pretentious yet I'm trying to avoid my tendency of self-deprecation as well. But, I will keep it sweet and simple, because I know that I'm good at beating around the bush. Ahem...

Hi! I'm a Alyssa and I'm an introvert. That goes without saying, but I should specify what kind of introvert I am. I am the kind of introvert that is a member of many fandoms ranging from SuperWhoLock to Anime to K-Pop to British TV. (I have yet to embark on the various Comic fandoms). The only Vampires I like are the ones that sing about Oxford Commas and drinking Horchatas . Confession: I also hoard various items (specifically books and magazines) and I am a perpetual daydreamer. Writing is a not-so-secret passion of mine and I am the eternal homebody that is trying to make my way in this world.

That said, those are just a couple of factoids about me but assuredly you'll learn more about me in the future. For now, thanks for reading or scrolling or both. I hope that this blog can be an enjoyable place for introverts, extroverts, or just curious people to peruse and to understand that the quiet ones do have a lot to say.

                                           Lots of Love,

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Schedule of an Introvert

Hello everyone,
The goal of this site is to post different kinds of advice at least once a week.  The advice will come in many different forms.  Some of them include:
  • Life from an Introverts Perspective
  • Reviews of Movies and Books
  • How to's
  • Escape of an Introvert
  • What not to Wear, and What to Wear
  • Spending Time like an Introvert
  • How to survive Social Interactions
So these are some of the segments that we will be posting.  One of these will coming to you at least once a week.  Alyssa and I will be very happy to share our experiences and our advice with you as much as we can!


Friday, July 25, 2014

Welcome All


Hello everyone!
This is just a quick introduction to our little blog: A Guide to Being an Introvert. As we are fellow introverts ourselves, we felt it only natural to share what it's like to live the introvert lifestyle. So what defines an introvert?

We all carry a little introverte and extroverte; it all depends on which is more dominant in our personality. The main difference between the two is that in social situations an extrovert gains energy whereas an introvert expends energy.  In  lamence terms, introverts do not like and even avoid large social gatherings.

 So now you might be wondering "am I an introvert?"  Psychologists have created a test to figure out your letters. Take the test here and learn more about what that all means at the end of the test.  Once you find what type you are, you can learn a little bit more about what that means by googling it or looking at the chart below.

If you have now taken the test and found out what you are, welcome to our page! If you aren't a fellow introvert, you can stay and see how the other half lives! So whether you are an introvert or an extrovert please come and enjoy our guide on  how to survive the life of an introvert.

Amanda and Alyssa