Hello Everyone,
Sorry it has been a few days sense we posted, life has been keeping us busy.
But I figured sense we had been gone so long, a new story would be appropriate.
I hate rollercoasters. I know this is a very rare thing for people to hate, but I just do. They seem poorly made, and high up; I just never want to go on one.
For my 13th birthday my family, my best friend, and I went to animal kingdom. We walked around to look at some animals and then my friend asked me to go on a ride with her. She told me it was not that big of a deal, nothing scary.
Mount Everest.
I will never ride another roller coaster again; that forever will be my last one.
The ride started to climb. and climb. Just. Climbing.
My number one greatest fear is heights. So climbing is scaring me to death.
But then the track ends. And the ride pauses. And a click is heard.
We started to fall backwards.
I was so scared, I just curled into a ball and shook.
Instead of wasting all of your time on how scared I was, I was still shaking two hours later when I tried to eat my lunch.
Very long story short, if you don't laugh you will cry. That and don't take me on a roller coaster. Luckily I have earned a great story and learned a valuable lesson. What more can we ask for?
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