Thursday, August 21, 2014

An Introvert's Best Friend

My lovely friends,

Life can be so funny sometimes....

Now that that's said, please enjoy my misery. I have learned the only way to get through hard times is laughter, so join in with me laughing at myself.

My favorite part of being an introvert is the silence.  Sometimes, I would take a bath just so I could stick my head under the water and have it even quieter for a few seconds than it already was in my empty house. When I started driving it was such a blessing.  Silence.  Or even if not silence, I could chose the noise to which I listened. 

A few months after I started driving by myself Alyssa started carpooling with me (hear more of that story at getting back to school/Sherlock). While I love her and the memories we made, I really missed the silence.

This year we are no longer carpooling. Congrats to Alyssa for being able to drive finally! So today was the third day of school, the third day of silence.  I got in my car this morning to go to school, and my silence was broken.  Coming from my AC vent, like an old VHS player rewinding, was a high pitch screech.  I was terrified. I shut my car off, and it stopped.  I turned it back on, and it started.

Fortunately I live in Florida, land of the morning sunshine and breezes....

I turned my AC off and rolled my windows down.  This was not a bad option on the way to school, with temperatures in the  80s and the sun just coming up.  But as I walked out to my car at 2:13 to leave, I prayed that terrible cat squeal would stop. 

It didn't. 

Unfortunately I live in Florida, land of the afternoon sun strokes and practically under water humidity.....

I now had a terrible choice to make: live without AC and sweat to death or live with that noise.  I rolled my windows down and tried to enjoy the silences.

I wish it ended there. But as I was leaving the parking lot I remembered that I needed a few more school supplies.  A few left turns later and my curly, frizzy hair looked like a cactus.  Staples was very nice with its cold AC but the people need to work on the staring at my messy hair.  

As I reentered the car, I had the fleeting memory of how nice the inside of the store felt.  But silence was still my best friend, choosing it would always be my first response.  I checked my phone.  94 degrees with 60% humidity.  I will just have to drive fast.

To wrap up this interesting story, I got home with a red face, enormous hair, and a new concept of what a best friend is.  As I sat in the freezer I realized that sometimes we must give up small things we love to stay alive. That reminds me the Bee Gees played while I was driving home; at least I listened to their advice!


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