Saturday, August 9, 2014

Breaking the Shell

Well hello again! I thought it would be apropos to  take some time to reflect on what being an introvert means to me because I understand that it's different for everyone and it also helps to understand the writer's perspective.

Since I was a child, I was always shy and quiet. Hiding behind my mom wasn't uncommon. Keeping a couple feet behind the group was how I kept my pace. Starting a sentence and finishing it off with a murmur wasn't a condition, it was just me. I was that one kid at the party who read a book in the corner and I was totally fine with it. Why would I want to be at a party when I could be fighting the White Witch in Narnia?

I think I take pride in being an introvert because that's a part of who I am, but like everything else; balance is key. As a perpetual daydreamer, I always imagined myself doing these great, ambitious roles: a star player, an artsy photographer, or an adept baker. I wanted to be like the people I read in books and watched in movies, but something was blocking that: me. I desired to be all these things, but I was too shy and self-conscious to do anything. I think that's why I'm a daydreamer: it's because I can be anything I want and I won't have anything stopping me.

Oh, but how that's deluded me. I realized at a young age that if I wanted to be like those people I dreamed about I had to stop being introverted. I had to break the shell of my own making. As the days go on, I try my best to do something, anything that puts me out "there". It's an everyday struggle because it's so natural for me to be introverted.Sometimes tapping into my extrovert side means tapping into my awkward side, because when I try to make friends and interact I don't have the same effect as my other friends do. They can make friends in the snap of a finger.

However; I can say from experience that when you do take that step, it's rewarding. For all the times that I've done something new and out of my comfort zone, I have learned something new, I added something to my "experience box", and I've met new people. It's almost as good as fighting those beasts in Narnia (almost).

But most likely if you're reading this, then you are an introvert too. So, I just want to say, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert. The world needs introverts believe it or not. We're the invisible observers and it's through the silent, subtle actions that we do that impacts the world. Can you imagine if all the loud, extroverts ruled the world? We'd need Beats headphones to block out all the noise and chaos! I digress.

The point is: I love being an introvert because that's how I learn. It's also how I take in my world. I don't always have to be an extrovert because how then, can I be that sympathetic sponge that absorbs my friends troubles? How can I really be me? I notice that if I take too much trouble to be social, I forget to take time for myself so I can explore my own hobbies. So don't reject your introvert side, rather embrace it with open arms! Just don't let it completely take over you to the point that it inhibits you from self-growth. Also, it makes even that more special when I decide to be more extroverted.

So every day I try to reach my full potential but I won't lie to you and say that it's easy. It's not. Part of being introverted stems from lack of self-esteem but I want this blog to be a way for all of us to reach our full potential, too, whilst embracing all aspects of ourselves! That's the thing: I don't think you can be one or the other. I think we have both sides; we just need to find that balance.

Lots of Love,

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